bell Jr., A Note on »Richard III»; P. R. Kolbe, Variation in the (). H. G. post-Otfridian Massinger, and Shakespeare as a Test of Authorship. ~ N:o B. (September 


av S Thrane · 2016 · Citerat av 107 — To test if the recombinant spy-VLPs could form a cova- lent interaction Germann T, Bongartz M, Dlugonska H, Hess H, Schmitt E, Kolbe L, et al. Interleukin‑12 

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ON KOLBE CAPABILITIES AND RESEARCH Laurie Waisel, Ph.D. May 24, 2013 Abstract This paper describes the Kolbe system of characterizing and measuring conative patterns of action, the development of the Kolbe Indexes, the validity and reliability studies that have been performed on use of the Kolbe Index, and other studies on the

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